Thursday, March 17, 2005


My 2 roommates, Meagan & Erin, Artie, Beth, Rob and I with our unopened envelopes - about to find out where we will be living for the next 3 - 5 years, and which residencies we will be starting.  Posted by Hello

Opening my envelope. Man was I a bundle of nerves. I didn't get my first choice but I am happy and looking forward to June 22, that's when I start! General Surgery in Birmingham, AL.  Posted by Hello

Eating lunch with Zsila, her mom, & my fam after the match at Lupe tortilla - one of my *favorite* restaurants in Houston - I am soooo going to miss their fajitas!!1 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


and 2 weeks in New Zealand :)

Craziness, I went to Dallas this weekend to visit all my college girlfriends (Hi guys if you reading this - I L*O*V*E you!!!) who by the way are 3/4ths pregnant (Thanks for stickin' w/ me Lis).

So Zsi's mom (the great friend I have that's going with me on this crazy excursion - you know, the Cobsalad chic - yeah, actually she JUST called me from Chuy's - I wonder if Wellbutrin would help her with that addiction ;) - call's me Friday as I'm en route to Dallas:

Zsi's Mom: Well, I was just calling to tell you that the travel agent needs to know before 3:30 what y'all's plans are for after Thailand - Europe o r Thailand. Zsi said she would trust your decision (no pressure!). There are only 3 seats left for the flight to London...

So, 10 minutes and a couple of phone calls (Daddy knows best), I decided on New Zealand. I mean, hey - when am I going to have the chance to be on that side of the world again!?!

7 weeks outside of the country